Monday, March 23, 2015

Here Are The Countries Where People Have The Most Money To Spend

People in Switzerland seem to have some mighty thick wallets.

A new infographic from Movehub, a site that provides information for those looking to move abroad, shows a global breakdown of personal disposable income, defined here as a person's income "after all taxes have been paid." According to the data, Switzerland sees by far the highest disposable monthly income, nearly twice that of the United States.

Here's a look at the average personal disposable income in countries around the world:

The 10 countries with the highest average monthly disposable income are as follows: #1) Switzerland ($6,301), #2) Australia ($3,780), #3) Denmark ($3,269), #4) U.S. ($3,258), #5) Ireland ($2,991), #6) United Kingdom ($2,960), #7) Netherlands ($2,937), #8) Germany ($2,851), #9) Japan ($2,782), #10) Canada ($2,773).

While the U.S. ranks high on this list, things can vary significantly among regions within the country's borders. The average person in Washington D.C., for example, has roughly double the amount of monthly disposable income as the average person in Mississippi.

A pretty clear split can also be seen between Eastern and Western Europe:

Movehub created the maps using stats from Numbeo, a website that crowdsources data globally across a variety of subject areas. Depending on the nation, the data for this collection was gathered from 2010 to 2014.

For more details on disposable income around the world, check out Movehub's full infographic.

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